On July 7th, Georgian Arts & Culture Center held a National Awareness Event at Fabrika, Tbilisi

On July 7th, Georgian Arts & Culture Center held a National Awareness Event at Fabrika, Tbilisi.
The aim of this event was to introduce PRO EXTOUR and experiential tourism to a wider audience. The meeting also featured a discussion of the current trends, challenges and envisioned future developments for the field of experiential tourism in Georgia.
The event was held in a hybrid format – beneficiaries were invited to attend both in-person and online.

More information at: https://www.facebook.com/GACC.gaccgeorgia.org/photos/pcb.10161252930264126/10161252922379126/
TV link: https://www.facebook.com/GACC.gaccgeorgia.org/videos/950170959100267


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