More about the NARE in Greece

The CITY_SPACE_FLUX Research Unit of AUTh organized yesterday Thursday, September 30, 2021, 10:00-13:00, an online national awareness raising event in Greece entitled “Challenges and prospects for the development of heritage- and culture-based experiential tourism”. The aim of the event was to raise awareness and develop a public debate between public and private bodies and companies, academia, and policy-makers, regarding the development potential and opportunities offered by the promotion and enhancement of experiential tourism in the Regions of Central Macedonia and Eastern Macedonia-Thrace. The Vice Rector for Research and Lifelong Education AUTh, the Head of the School of Spatial Planning and Development AUTh, the Head of the School of Architecture AUTh, the Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism of Central Macedonia, the Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace, and the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Thessaloniki delivered introductory remarks. Next, public and private bodies and companies provided scientific inputs on the multifaceted dimensions of experiential tourism. Finally, the research team of CITY_SPACE_FLUX presented the Regional Needs Assessment Report and the Regional Action Plan for experiential tourism in BSB Greek regions.


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